What is the MTHFR Gene?

What is the MTHFR Gene?

Exploring the intricacies of genetics is a common theme in holistic discussions, often centering around the MTHFR gene. While understanding our genetic makeup is valuable, it's crucial not to overlook other vital components, such as the COMT gene. Like MTHFR, COMT plays a key role in methylation, impacting patients' health in noticeable ways. Rather than letting our genes dictate us, we can leverage this information to make choices that positively influence our well-being.
COMT, an enzyme responsible for breaking down catecholamines like dopamine and norepinephrine, significantly affects how the brain responds to stress. This gene regulates stress hormone metabolism, influencing estrogen, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine levels. The COMT pathway is pivotal for mental and emotional health, with variations in its speed contributing to tendencies like drug addiction, adrenaline-seeking behaviors, or depression.
Understanding whether one is a fast or slow COMT'er provides insights into stress management. For instance, individuals with a genetically fast COMT enzyme may handle stress better, while those with a slow pathway may experience heightened anxiety and difficulty managing stress. This knowledge extends to lifestyle choices, such as diet and exercise, making personalized approaches essential.
In my practice, I conduct DUTCH testing for women's hormones, offering a unique perspective by integrating genetic and methylation information. Identifying whether one is over or under methylating, and the speed of their COMT gene, informs daily choices.
I just went over a DUTCH test with a recent patient, with high stress and sensitivity to everything, that revealed slow COMT. Uncovering her slow COMT gene guided adjustments in her diet and exercise routine. For example, she wanted to do carnivore diet and lift heavy weights, but she actually needs to reduce protein intake and do lighter exercise. We also added support through a methylation driver supplement called samE.
For those seeking deeper insights, DUTCH testing is available through my services. Purchase your DUTCH at https://countermeasurewellness.com/.../dutch-complete... for more information on your hormones and methylation genes. Additionally, Dr. Ben Lynch's book, "Dirty Genes," offers valuable insights into genetic influences on health and can be found at https://www.amazon.com/Dirty-Genes.../dp/0062698141.
Empowering individuals to make informed health decisions is my mission. I also offer genome testing, so if you're interested in genetic testing or exploring personalized wellness strategies, reach out at countermeasurewellness.com. Let's work together to optimize your health! 🫶🧬
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